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Funny Dog Pictures – 21 Photos Showing Why Dogs Rule


Funny Dog Pictures – 21 Adorable Reasons Why Dogs Rule

The rivalry between cats and dogs is as old as time, and the battle has only grown more heated since the dawn of the Internet. Everybody with a browser can name at least a few celebrity cats, but where’s all the love for dogs? Where are all the galleries of funny dog pics? And just what is it about them that makes them worthy of the title of Man’s Best Friend, anyway? For your consideration, here are 21 compelling arguments (i.e. funny dog pictures) for why dogs are awesome.


  1. Fact: Dogs have no self-awareness, and they’re also completely mystified by plate glass. This is a winning combination, as you can clearly see, and one that sets the stage for limitless funny dog pics.

Source: Imgur


  1. Dogs are effortlessly photogenic. Just look at this handsome Australian shepherd. He’s a natural. No way does he live in fear of accidentally activating the front-facing camera.

Source: Imgur


  1. Dogs have many admirable qualities: loyalty, enthusiasm, intelligence, and, above all, stealthiness. Just try to find the two dogs hidden in this picture. We dare you. Yeah, didn’t think so.

Source: Imgur


  1. Cats’ reputation for chilly indifference precedes them, and as anyone who has lived with a cat can attest, they couldn’t care less about your feelings, your personal space, or your property. In contrast, dogs know how to show affection while still respecting others’ boundaries.

Source: Imgur


  1. Not every dog is cut out to be the leader of the pack, and they don’t always grasp the whole “asserting your dominance” routine, but that sure doesn’t stop them from giving it the old college try.

Source: Imgur


  1. They carry themselves with quiet dignity. Domesticated dogs are the direct descendants of the noble wolf, after all.

Source: Imgur


  1. They’re responsible and trustworthy employees. Take a look at this self-employed dog conducting his own dog-walking business. You know you’re doing something right when people entrust you to care for their dogs when you’re a dog yourself.

Source: Imgur


  1. They’ve achieved squad goals most of us could only ever dream of. Can you imagine walking into the club flanked by this crew? The funny dog pictures would be OFF THE CHAIN (no pun intended).

Source: Imgur


  1. Even large breed dogs are surprisingly portable. This dog fits neatly into his owner’s backpack, and can also be stored safely away in most overhead storage compartments.

Source: Imgur


  1. What’s more inviting than a dog’s sweet, furry face? Between those big, dark eyes, the cold, wet noses, and their happily wagging tails, nothing seems to beg for a cuddle quite like a dog.

Source: Imgur


  1. Dogs are highly versatile. Not only do they make unbeatable companions, they can double as mobile storage units. Looks at this dog doing his best imitation of an end table. He would blend seamlessly into an IKEA showroom. (Come to think of it, an IKEA catalog full of funny dog pictures isn’t a bad idea.)

Source: Imgur


  1. It’s a little-known fact that dogs are natural born performers. Look at this little Chinese Crested busting a move. “No, I must dance!” he seems to exclaim. So agility, such graceful, wow.


  1. Dogs are known for being loyal companions and faithful guards, but did you know they’re also incredibly tolerant of their feline housemates? Take a look at this patient pupper being smothered under a cushion. It’s only by his good grace that that cat still has all nine of its lives.

Source: Imgur


  1. Unlike conscienceless cats, dogs are hardly immune to guilt. Browse the #dogshaming tag sometime and you’ll see what I mean, or just take a look at the funny dog picture below. Look at this guilty dog. He knows exactly what he did.

Source: Imgur


  1. One of the reasons why dogs make such terrific companion animals and therapy pets is because they know how to keep their composure under pressure. Take this little fella for example: cool as a cucumber.

Source: Imgur


  1. If there’s one thing dogs understand, it’s the importance of teamwork. Look at these two longboys collaborating to keep their vegetable perfectly balanced atop their heads.

Source: Reddit


  1. Dogs may not be able to fly, but they’re still surprisingly aerodynamic. Take a look at this levitating floof. He’s got like six feet of air there.

Source: Reddit


  1. But dogs, even funny dogs, aren’t all sweetness and light. They’ll throw down when they need to. This dog is ready to rumble. He doesn’t want to have to do it, but you’ve forced his hand.

Source: Reddit


  1. You know why dogs make such great guard animals? Because they have lightning-fast reflexes. This picture was taken in the aftermath of a human arm reaching for our small friend here. As you can tell from his expression, he was NOT HAVING IT.

Source: Reddit


  1. We all know what demanding pets cats can be, but what about dogs? You ever seen a dog turn up its nose at a $200 bed, or the five-dollar-a-can gourmet food you bought for it at the organic pet store? Of course not. Why not? Because dogs are highly adaptable. They’re low-maintenance, accommodating, and they acclimate to their surroundings with ease.

Source: Reddit


  1. If all of our previous reasons aren’t enough to convince you that dogs are the best, consider this: They breathe frickin’ fire. No joke.

Source: Reddit
As you undoubtedly see by now, dogs are awesome. If the 21 previous funny pictures of dogs aren’t enough to convince you, then we invite you to not only reread this post and examine each photo a little more thoughtfully, we also invite you to search the worldwide web for your own funny dog pics and compile your own post. We would love to see it, and we’d love to hear your feedback. Tell us in the comments about YOUR favorite funny dogs. Have any funny dog pictures you simply have to share? Link us to them! Hungry for more funny pictures of dogs? Let us know, and we may follow up with another blog post in the future.


Until next time, may your life be full of funny dogs.

The post Funny Dog Pictures – 21 Photos Showing Why Dogs Rule appeared first on Pondly.

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